Acrylic on digital photographic prints
By: Daphnie Neo
Artist Statement:
Amidst the daily routine of studying, being able to catch a glimpse of the sun felt like I was seeing a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Despite the feeling of exhaustion at the end of each day, witnessing the light always gave me a sense of hope to carry on. The locations captured in this series of images document the route I take on my daily journey back home from school, bringing the viewer on a journey of my personal visual experiences. As I wind down at the end of a day of life in contemporary Singapore, I notice the changes in light from the setting of the sun, to the emergence of the artificial lights of the city. The minimal use of painting over the photographs acts as a subtle highlight of the little things that we commonly overlook in our daily hustle and bustle of urban living. They encourage the viewer to slow down and look for these details in the work, mirroring my wish for the viewer to also slow down and enjoy the little things in life.