
CHIJ Katong Convent is proud of our alumni who have benefitted from our Art programme! Here, we want to celebrate a few of our alumni who continue to pursue an education or career in the arts.

Michaela Davlyne Wong Xing Yi

Year of Graduation: 2009
Job Title:
Fungal Designer

Artist Site →

Nurul Atiqah Bte Zaidi

Year of Graduation: 2020
Job Title / Course of Study:
Diploma in Art Teaching (Assistant Teacher at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (Junior Art))
Company / School:

Artist Site →

Reena Wong Shi Min

Year of Graduation: 2019
Job Title / Course of Study:
Motion Graphic Design
Company / School:
Nanyang Polytechnic, School of Design & Media

Artist Site →

Elouise Yeo

Year of Graduation: 2019
Job Title / Course of Study:
Arts Management (graduating in 2023)
Company / School:

Goh Si Ying Isabelle

Year of Graduation: 2019
Job Title / Course of Study:
Media Post Production (graduating in 2023)
Company / School:
Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Chew Shu Ting

Year of Graduation: 2017
Job Title / Course of Study:
Marketing Executive
Company / School:
GUAVA Amenities

Artist Site →

Cheryl Soh

Year of Graduation: 2014
Job Title / Course of Study:
Comms and Engagement Specialist
Company / School:
Grab HQ

Artist Site →

Nahlah Alsree

Year of Graduation: 2013
Job Title / Course of Study:
Assistant Producer/ Communication Designer
Company / School:
Motion: For Impact Pte Ltd

Artist Site →

Victoria Tan

Year of Graduation: 2010
Job Title / Course of Study:
Artist / Manager
Company / School:

Artist Site →

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