Art @ KC
Our Goals
In Katong Convent, we believe Art is essential in equipping students for the 21CC while developing them holistically for life. Our aim is to give our students both a visual and verbal language through which they can communicate effectively in life. Through our Art curriculum, we hope to imbue in our students the necessary artistic dispositions to enable them to be comfortable with ambiguity, have a capacity for idea generation and be equipped for investigative research - life skills applicable beyond an artistic context.
Our lower secondary Art curriculum aims to equip our students with essential visual literacy skills and cultural awareness to enable them to learn and communicate visually, and to engage with society culturally. The curriculum also ensures a good foundation for students with a passion in Art who may aspire to continue their practice in the upper secondary level. The key pedagogy we use to engage our students in lower secondary is ‘Play’, where we hope to inspire curiosity and a keen sense of observation for the world around them.
Our upper secondary curriculum comprises Studio Practice and Study of Visual Arts. The creation of artworks and the critical appraisal of artists and artworks are two modes of learning that we believe are central to a balanced art education. These components provide students with diverse learning experiences and skills in visual literacy. Undergirded by our belief in using the Inquiry-Based Learning approach in the teaching of upper secondary art, we seek to impart the necessary artistic dispositions in our students to enable them to flourish in their artistic endeavours in their next institute of learning.
Studio Practice
Studio Practice engages students in the creation of artworks. Students hone their observation skills, learn to discriminate visual qualities, and give form to their ideas and experiences when they are engaged in art-making. It provides opportunities for students to acquire a working understanding of artistic processes and develop competency in manipulating various art media for self-expression, with opportunities to experiment with different techniques in their studio practice.
Study of Visual Arts
The Study of Visual Arts reinforces the critical learning experiences in Studio Practice. The awareness and critical appraisal of artists and artworks in the contexts in which artworks are made allow students to experience and engage with the visual arts in greater breadth. The Study of Visual Arts emphasises the development of critical thinking skills and provides students with the opportunities to respond to and discover insights from artists/artworks. Augmented by learning experiences to art institutions, engagements with artists, and immersion in geographical spaces, the Study of Visual Arts can inculcate in students greater appreciation for the visual arts and their role in society.
The Enhanced Art Programme is an MOE-supported special Art programme conducted within Katong Convent for upper secondary students offering the ‘O’ Level Art subject. Beyond the regular general art programme for upper secondary, students in the EAP are provided opportunities to participate in activities with other EAP schools in Singapore to enrich their passion and learning in visual art.
- Contemporary technical studio skills taught in-lesson
- Art workshops
- Learning journeys to museums and galleries
- Interdisciplinary art enrichment programmes
- Incubation Lab EAP (iLEAP):
- Week-long intensive collaboration with other EAP schools
- Mentorship by Arts Professionals
DIVA is a mentoring approach for our DSA Visual Art students. Through DIVA, we aim to develop leaders in Visual Art through our 3 ‘E’ approach of Expose, Enrich and Extend, where our students get to experience both the depth and the breadth of learning in Visual Art.
- Enhanced Art Programme (EAP)
- Development Initiative for Visual Art (DIVA)
- Art Immersion Programme (AiP)